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February 2022 - Valentine’s Day: Don’t Follow Blindly!

Updated: Apr 16, 2022

There is a danger that every Valentine’s Day celebration becomes an opportunity for the carnal to take over because the voices of consumerism, media and Satan gang up to push young people beyond God-sanctioned boundaries. So much of modern culture entices us to pamper our bodies: massage armchairs, perfumed soap, sumptuous dining, fine wines, bubbly jacuzzis, designer clothes, spa treatments, luxury cruises etc. “Enjoy a Valentine staycation with your loved one” scream the adverts – never mind whether they are married or not. So young couples who “just wanna have fun” take the bait and book a room with romantic meal etc. Why not? - after all “everyone’s doing it!” The danger is that by staying in the same room, or sleeping in the same bed, you may be sexually tempted to behave as husband and wife when you are not married. If your friends happen to see you leaving the hotel room together, would it leave a positive impression? And if you are a believer, would it honour God?

One local radio station proclaims their mantra many times daily: “Sounds good, FEELS good!” Another oft-heard myth is “If it feels good, do it!” and yet another - “It’s MY body and I’ll do what I like with it!” These brazen temptations hit us often daily via the media. If we follow their lies, there is a real possibility we can become hooked on drugs, indulge in premarital sex, experiment with homosexuality, indulge in one-night-stands, go for abortions, fool around with married people, etc, just to show the world we are in control of our bodies and our sexuality. In reality we are never in control until we surrender ourselves completely to God who created us, loves us and wants to be our Guide for life.

WATCH OUT CHRISTIAN DISCIPLES! This feel-good, pleasure-seeking attitude can destroy you! Instead, heed what the apostle Paul says in I Corinthians 6:18-20 “Flee sexual immorality. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God. You are not your own; you are bought with a price. Therefore honour God with your body.”

From this brief passage, we learn firstly that God created our bodies, and therefore He knows best how they should function. Sex is God’s exclusive gift for married couples. Sexual relations outside marriage, whether pre-marital or extra-marital is wrong in God’s eyes because it destroys the “one-flesh principle” which characterizes marriage (Gen 2:24, 25). Secondly God inhabits the believer’s redeemed body as the Holy Spirit, who yearns for us to be holy as He is holy. Thirdly, we belong to Him not to ourselves. Jesus Christ ransomed us from sin and death with His precious blood. His very life was the price of our salvation. In Christ, holiness is the hallmark of our Christian discipleship. How can we pursue that which is lustful and fleeting, and which may likely hurt others, as well as ourselves, not to mention grieve God?

We are God’s Holy People, and we must live by His Holy Word in the midst of an unholy generation. First Peter 1:15 says: “Just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do..” When you became a Christian, you surrendered yourself to God – mind, body and spirit! The apostle Paul says, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20). Never forget that! Lead a holy life so that when you stand before Jesus on the day of judgment, you will have nothing to be ashamed of!

Pastor Graham

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